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HotJobs 100: Updated for 2009Find great jobs from our top 100 companies, hiring now
What to look for in companies that are hiring now.
When you're considering taking a new job, it's important to find out how a potential employer treats employees. But getting the answer to that question, along with others that will help you determine if you'll be happy at the company, may take some sleuthing.
Here are five questions that will help you decide if the company is a fit -- and some unconventional ways to find the answers:
- What makes employees join this company and stay here?
- How are people treated here?
- What are the unspoken rules?
- What happens when people make mistakes?
- What is a typical week like?
Getting answers you need to these questions will help you make the best-informed decision about your next career move.
The Truth About Lying During a Job Interviewby Robert DiGiacomo, for Yahoo! HotJobs
Telling the whole truth about yourself in a job interview may mean losing a position to a better-qualified candidate. But the alternative -- lying about your degree, qualifications, or experience for short-term gain -- inevitably will come back to haunt you.
Still, there are gray areas in which a small fib -- or embellishment -- could go a long way toward helping you land a job.
"I'm a pro-fibber," says blogger and consultant Nicole Williams, author of the forthcoming book "Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success." "At the same time, you have to be aware of the risks and do it very strategically."
Here are six areas in which you can enhance your credentials without having a Pinocchio moment during an interview -- or even worse, after you've gotten the job.